
Empowering Digital Defense. We specialize in proactive Cyber Security services, Threat Detection, Data Protection, and Risk Resilience for robust e-security.


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Case Study

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Case Study

Website Pentesting

Know, How our Website Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration testing helped in identifying and mitigating OWASP-10 vulnerabilities

Docker Pentesting

Know, How we helped an eCommerce in gauging their containerized environment's Cyber Security with our Avant-garde Vulnerability Assessments

DarkWeb Monitoring

Know, How keeping an eye over Dark-Web to prevented identity theft that let Hacker or competitive company to take advantage of breached data

PhishCheck Campaign

Know, how we helped the law-enforcement agency in demonstrating exploitation of vulnerable human element which can let Hackers steal data.

Network Vulnerability Assessment

Know, how our Network Pentesting service helped in identifying and mitigating a Critical Network Vulnerability which can cause Data breach

Digital Forensics

Know, How our Digital Forensics services helped an Entertainment industry client in spotting Emotet Trojan Infection inside the Corporate Network